Nu alle mogelijke manieren om te frauderenbij de verkiezingen in ingeperkt zijn, hebben de Dems toch noch een manier bedacht, om Biden aan zijn overwinning te helpen.
Hoe willen ze dit doen? Ze hebben de laatste tijd tientalle miljoenen mensen illegaal het land binnen gelaten.
Door deze illegalen een rijbewijs en een stempas te geven, kunnen ze zich legitimeren bij de verkiezingen.
Now we know exactly how blue states will cheat
Millions of illegals will vote in November
The blue states have imported 10 million illegals, given them drivers licenses and put them on voter rolls even though it's a crime for illegals to vote in U.S. federal elections.
But the blue states don't care. This is their cheating plan, and they've already put the entire plan in place.
Now, Dems are refusing to support a proposed new law requiring proof of citizenship to vote, which means red states need to form a compact to reject the electoral college votes from cheating (blue) states.
Het wordt je uitgelegd, in dit filmpje (Engels), LINK HIER
Will Joe Biden be uploaded to an AI machine to make him sound human again?
The Dems are getting so desperate, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to merge him with an AI machine and create a Joe Biden avatar with an AI voice clone and a ChatGPT back-end to replace Biden in upcoming debates and speeches.
They'll declare they've created the first human/AI hybrid that's smarter than all human combined, and that's why Joe Biden's body is no longer necessary, because he's been replaced by a machine.
Filmpje HIER
Big Majority Of Democrats Want Biden To Step Aside
A solid majority of Democratic voters now say they want President Joe Biden to end his re-election bid and step aside after seeing him struggle in his debate last month with former President Donald Trump and since, even though national polling has the race very tight.
A significant 67% of respondents believe that Biden should withdraw from the race, and 85% think he is too old to complete a second term.
Lees verder bij de BRON
Waarom die shooting?
Blackrock-linked investment fund placed massive put options on Trump company one day before assassination attempt
We have shocking news today that one investment company linked to Blackrock and other globalists placed massive "put" bets against both Donald Trump's company and Rumble (the video platform) on Friday, consisting of tens of millions of shares being shorted, and they would have reaped a windfall of profit if Trump had been killed.
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